Michael Bjorge Wins Prestigious International Platinum Award

I’m so proud an honoured to have received this award! Haha sounds like beginning of an acceptant speech I know! But I truly am very proud, excited, and honoured to have received this! Platinum is the highest level of recognition that you can receive from the Master Photographers International Organization! To share in this and be inspired by great photographic talents who have received this honour in the past is very rewarding and continues to fuel my passion for this profession and the continual hunt for new hidden gems that are always out there if you just willing to spend the time to search and immerse yourself in this amazing planet! All submitted art work is carefully scrutinized by ten independent leading industry professional judges and all submissions are 100% anonymous. Thank you to all the judges and the whole team at the Master Photographers International Organization for all their hard work. It is wonderful to have a professional organization that provides recognition and legitimacy to all the talented and hard working artists out there! Lastly and most importantly I have to thank my daughter for her adventurous spirit, because if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t have been standing in that place at that time 😊 Hence the name; ‘ L U C K Y  C H A R M ‘ 
